Security concept according to §166 TKG (old §109 TKG)

We have been creating security concepts and supporting our customers during internal and external audits by the Bundesnetzagentur (BNetzA) since 2001. We are also happy to support you in setting up or updating your security concepts and implementing other BNetzA recommendations. With our experience and structured approach, we keep the overall effort to a minimum and minimise internal and external costs.



We take care

Telecommunications providers are obliged to submit a security concept to the BNetzA immediately after commencing network operation. They must ensure that their networks and services are protected against unauthorised access and attacks. If necessary, security incidents must be responded to quickly and effectively in order to minimise potential damage to customers.

Together, we create an overall concept that is based on the specifications of the BNetzA and in conjunction with the recommendations of the BSI and leaves little room for misinterpretation in accordance with the legal requirements [based on § 166 TKG (old § 109 TKG)]. The security concept can also be used as the first step towards IT-Grundschutz or ISO/IEC 27001 certification.


At a glance

Legally compliant

Thanks to our extensive experience and structured approach, we ensure that companies are legally compliant to standards, avoid fines and minimise and prevent potential attacks.

Reduced overall effort

Our tested basic concept, which can also be easily docked onto the existing infrastructure, saves you time, internal effort and the search for suitable specialised personnel.

Always up to date

Our close links to the relevant associations and our involvement in standardisation committees enable us to respond to changes in legislation or standards at an early stage.


The annual update service adapts the concept to all new legal requirements and thus provides additional security.


Background and details

According to the Telecommunications Act (TKG §165, No. 1), telecommunications providers are obliged to provide comprehensive protection for network subscribers and to implement the "state of the art". In addition, TKG §166 defines that the Bundesnetzagentur publishes a catalogue of security requirements that must be implemented. The current catalogue, dated 29.04.2020 (version 2.0), still refers to the old legislation (TKG before 01.12.2021). This is currently creating a lack of clarity in the regulations, which will hopefully be closed by a new publication this year (2022).

The current catalogue calls for the establishment of "sustainable safety management". For the development of "sustainable safety management", it is advisable to take a systematic approach based on existing standards:

  • BSI IT baseline protection based on ISO 27001
  • ISO/IEC 27001
  • CISIS12
  • VdS Guideline 10000

  • Our experience has shown that due to the complexity and the requirement to implement the "state of the art", this simplifies the procedure and the overall effort.

    The Telecommunications Act stipulates (TKG §166, No. 2) that the security concept must be submitted to the Bundesnetzagentur immediately after the start of network operation.

    Whether a security concept must be submitted immediately after the start of operations depends on the company's actual activities. It must first be categorised whether a public telecommunications network (required under Section 5 TKG) is operated or only a telecommunications service (required under TMG) is provided. If you come to the conclusion that you are only providing a telecommunications service, you can still be obliged by the Bundesnetzagentur to submit a security concept. The distinction here is not entirely trivial. We will be happy to help you with the categorisation.


    Regardless of the obligation to submit a security concept, a security concept must always be drawn up. (see TKG § 166 No. 1)


    Reliable contacts

    From the initial consultation to the finalised security concept, we are at your side and ensure that you are optimally positioned in accordance with the legal requirements at a low effort.


    Klaus Landefeld

    Managing Director

    Mathias Handsche

    Managing Director

    Contact us

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    • Erdfunkstelle 1,
      D-61250 Usingen


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