News from nGENn
Workshop: NIS2- & KRITIS-Dachgesetzwith Mathias Handsche at VIDEOR E. Hartig GmbH
Open Talk „NIS2 – Was tun?”Discussion format of the eco Association on the consequences of a failed implementation procedure with Ulrich Plate
Workshop ‘Effective dialogue strategies for KRITIS project managers’Nexonik webinar- overview of the importance and requirements of KRITIS with Mathias Handsche
NIS2 Implementing Act for Digital Services – EU regulation maze revisitedLive on stage Ulrich Plate at DENOG e.V.
Suppliers under pressure: prevent business loss due to NIS2Joint event with the IHK Frankfurt am Main
IT manager meeting in DietzenbachPresentation ‘Update NIS-2: What can we expect from March 2025?’ as part of the IT managers' meeting of the district town of Dietzenbach
Workshop “Safely through the legal jungle: Understanding and applying NIS2”by VIDEOR E. Hartig GmbH with Mathias Handsche and Thorsten Reichegger
Workshop at it-sa NurembergJoint workshop with the BSI on ‘Passwordless authentication’ at itsa in Nuremberg
MightyCare Solutions DayPresentation ‘Update NIS-2: What can we expect after 17 October 2024?’ as part of the MightyCare Solutions Day with Mathias Handsche
IHK innovativ webinarIHK innovativ Webinar with Mathias Handsche ‘NIS2 - Make your company fit for new IT security standards’
BREKO AK Technik at nGENnOrganisation of the BREKO technology working group at nGENn in the Usingen earth station
Pan Dacom Business BrunchsPan Dacom Business Brunchs in 4 German cities with presentations by Mathias Handsche and Ulrich Plate on the topic of ‘NIS2 and e-evidence - legal framework for cyber security and preservation of evidence’.
Gigabit summitBooth at the Hesse 2024 gigabit summit
ITENOS webinar episode “Last call KRITIS”ITENOS webinar episode “Last call KRITIS” with Mathias Handsche
Workshop “Understanding and applying the NIS2 Implementation Act & KRITIS Umbrella ActWorkshop “Understanding and applying the NIS2 Implementation Act & KRITIS Umbrella Act” by VIDEOR E. Hartig GmbH with Mathias Handsche
KRITISch beleuchtet: KRITIS in FocusLivestream of VIDEOR E. Hartig GmbH “KRITISch beleuchtet: KRITIS in focus” What installers and integrators have to expect (Ulrich Plate)
EU cyber directive NIS-2Ready for the new EU cyber directive NIS-2 - starting signal for a secure digital future together with IHK Frankfurt
Webinar - KRITIS umbrella law KRITIS basics for installers and system houses as well as engineering officesNexonik Webinar - KRITIS umbrella law KRITIS basics for installers and system houses as well as engineering offices with Mathias Handsche
FiberDays - NIS2 Workshop"NIS2 - What now? Checklist of who is affected and which requirements must be met” at BREKO FiberDays 2024
FiberDaysFiberDays 2024
DialogCampDialogue camp in Munich with Ulrich Plate and Klaus Landefeld
Regulation for cyber securityCybersecurity regulation - impact of NIS 2, CER & DORA together with NVISO
Cybersecurity, digitalization, legal requirements"Cybersecurity, digitalization, legal requirements" within the framework of the BNI Da Vinci (Frankfurt) with Mathias Handsche
DENOG15 - "The regulation maze"Ulrich Plate at DENOG15 "The regulation maze – EU and German cyber security laws for critical service providers"
Heise IT Security DayIT Security Day: The conference organized by heise & Mainz University of Applied Sciences with a presentation by Ulrich Plate
Redundancy of network infrastructures for enterprise resilienceJoint event organized by eco - Association of the Internet Industry and industry partners such as GasLINE GmbH & Co. KG and envia TEL GmbH at DE-CIX in Frankfurt
ICANN78 Day Zero Workshop"NIS2 Directive – Impact on the DNS Industry" by Ulrich Plate
nGENn at it-sa
Resilience and security of KRITIS and basic supply networks: How can we protect our infrastructure?Panel discussion as part of the Internet Security Days (ISD) 2023 at Phantasialand Brühl
FRK Broadband Congress in LeipzigFRK Broadband Congress in Leipzig
Gigabit-SummitBooth at the Hesse 2023 gigabit summit
FiberDaysBooth at the FiberDays 2023
NIS2 and the ENISA “Implementing Guide”: How Digital Companies Can Effectively Enhance Their CybersecurityInterview with Ulrich Plate
NIS2 and CER rippling the waves in 2025article in eco dotmagazine by Ulrich Plate
Podcast „Die digitalen Versprechungen in den Wahlprogrammen“Podcast with Klaus Landefeld on Chaosradio 297
Podcast “Das Ohr am NetzPodcast with Klaus Landefeld on the topic of fibre optic expansion
iX artcile DNS"NIS2: Obligations for all DNS and TLD providers” Story by Ulrich Plate of the iX in September.
iX article supply chain"NIS2 puts suppliers and service providers under pressure” Story by Ulrich Plate of the iX in October.
IHK Wirtschaftsforumarticle "NIS2 Der Countdown läuft" by Ulrich Plate
View - Das Magazin für Video- und Sicherheitslösungenarticle "NIS2 Womit Errichter und Integratoren rechnen müssen" by Ulrich Plate
NIS2 - Das müssen Unternehmen wissenBIEG Podcast with Mathias Handsche on NIS2
Pan DacomPan Dacom Podcast with Mathias Handsche on regulation and NIS2
Interview Deutschlandfunk program “Computers and Communication”Interview with Ulrich Plate for the Deutschlandfunk program “Computer und Communication
Auditor ISO 27001:2022 certificationMathias Handsche is now registered with TÜV Hessen as a fully qualified auditor and can carry out certifications in accordance with ISO 27001:2022.
Everything on safe - security technology for companies: KRITIS and NIS2 what is that actually?Secutel podcast by Dennis Pulver with Mathias Handsche
NIS2-CheckerThe nGENn NIS2 checker goes online. Check online now whether you are affected by the NIS2 regulation.
NIS2 - what now?"NIS2 - what now?” Cover story by Ulrich Plate of the iX in March.
Municipal utilities and IT security - between regulation and resilienceArticle by Ulrich Plate in Kommunal.POLITIK, newspaper of SGK Brandenburg
The „NIS2 Implementing Guide“First meeting of KG KRITIS (eco - Association of the Internet Industry)
New partnership with erambanGENn and eramba are entering into a joint partnership!
Competence meeting of KG KRITIS ‘NIS2 - Now it's time’Competence meeting of KG KRITIS (eco – Verband der Internetwirtschaft e.V.)
Cybersecurity training programCybersecurity training program of the BREKO in Düsseldorf
Resilience recommendations in the context of municipal network infrastructuresUlrich Plate: Resilience recommendations in the context of municipal network infrastructures Municipalities and municipal utilities in the sights of KRITIS
Meeting of KG Kritiseco meets DLR - Meeting of KG Kritis (eco – Verband der Internetwirtschaft e.V.)
Providers on the IT security marketplaceProviders on the IT security marketplace
IHK election candidateMathias Handsche is a candidate in Frankfurt in electoral group 09 of the General Assembly
BREKO membernGENn becomes a BREKO member
Competence meeting of KG KRITISCompetence meeting of KG KRITIS (eco – Verband der Internetwirtschaft e.V.)
KG Kritis meeting Sub-working group1st meeting of the sub-working group on regulation in Cologne (eco – Verband der Internetwirtschaft e.V.).