Europe-wide obligation to provide information for inventory and traffic data

The European e-Evidence Regulation obliges hundreds of thousands of network operators, internet providers, but also any operators of online shops or platforms, to provide information about their customers to authorised bodies throughout the EU in the event of suspicion. We assist in implementing the legal, organizational, and technical requirements, from inventory data disclosure to the extraction of content.



We take care

Mutual legal assistance requests for the disclosure of data can be based on national or European laws. The most far-reaching of these is the European Union's new e-evidence regulation, which may request information from operators in a standardised procedure. We act as a point of contact for service providers who receive requests from authorities and support the entire process chain from receipt of the requests, plausibility checks and, if necessary, forwarding for legal review, through to the technical execution of the cross-border data transfer.

    E-evidence procedure steps
  • Standardised mutual legal assistance requests for the disclosure of data - European Production Order Certificates (EPOC)
  • Alternative: not release, but temporary storage of data - European Preservation Order Certificates (EPOC-PR)
  • Deadline of between eight hours and ten days depending on the seriousness of the offence
  • Expert assessment of the legality of a request and the authorised body
  • Standard-compliant transmission of data via ETSI or customised interfaces

Are you interested in or have a specific need for one of the topics listed? Please contact us.


At a glance

Strong partners

Enquiries may contain allegations of offences that are not even punishable in the country of the enquirer. These and other legal issues are examined by our partner law firms, which can be involved automatically or on request.

Process automation

We also automate processes in other areas that result from documentation obligations for operators of critical infrastructures. The operation and functionality of the compliance platform for e-evidence are therefore always standard-compliant and customised to the requirements of the cross-border mutual legal assistance procedure.

Fast and precise

When it comes to danger to human life or threats to critical infrastructure, a fast response is essential. With our platform-based, standards-compliant implementation, we help service providers to respond to requests for legal assistance within six hours if necessary.


Background and details

In the cross-border disclosure procedure under EPOC or provisional storage under EPOC-PR, inventory data as well as traffic data and extracts of the content of communications can be requested. The information may include some or all four of the data categories:

  • Identity of the customer or user: including name and date of birth and details of the access technology used at the time of registration
  • Technical features that can be used for identification: IP addresses, ports, timestamps, etc.
  • Traffic data: Source and destination address when establishing a connection, location details, communication times
  • Communication content: logged text communication, audio or video recordings

Without exception, every operator of an electronic information or communication system is obliged to respond to requests for legal assistance within the specified time limit - if its systems are used by customers, subscribers or other users.

  • Telecommunications provider
  • Internet Service Provider
  • Platform operators of all kinds: social media, BBS, online forums
  • e-commerce providers: Online shops, classified ad exchanges, comparison portals

In addition to these already considerable extensions and tightening, certain sectors are subject to particularly strict regulations. Domain name services, trust service providers and similar "super-critical" services, for example, are subject to even stricter rules than other sectors.


Reliable contacts

From the initial consultation to the finalised security concept, we are at your side and ensure that you are optimally positioned in accordance with the legal requirements at a low effort.


Klaus Landefeld

Managing Director

Mathias Handsche

Managing Director

Contact us

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  • Erdfunkstelle 1,
    D-61250 Usingen


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