Foresight is our responsibility
From theory to practice - what often sounds so simple regularly poses a problem when it comes to actual implementation. The introduction of new technologies, the adaptation of existing systems to changing standards and legal requirements or simply the migration of IT to the cloud and the design of a secure operating environment present many companies with seemingly insurmountable challenges.
This is where we come in with a comprehensive portfolio of consulting, development and support for network-based information systems.
We create and evaluate IT architectures and concepts for our customers, carry out technical analyses, security audits and the necessary market studies and economic evaluations of alternative courses of action. nGENn not only helps your customers with the specification of requirements in the planning phase, we also take care of project management and train users on the changed systems and conditions.
As a long-standing member of the eco Association of the Internet Industry, Eurocloud Germany and DIN e.V., nGENn Gmbh plays an active role in shaping the political agenda for an innovative and sustainable IT location in Germany and Europe.
Regardless of whether you are looking for a standardised or an innovative solution to your IT problem - we will create a customised solution for you.
News from nGENn
IT manager meeting in DietzenbachPresentation ‘Update NIS-2: What can we expect from March 2025?’ as part of the IT managers' meeting of the district town of Dietzenbach
Workshop at it-sa NurembergJoint workshop with the BSI on ‘Passwordless authentication’ at itsa in Nuremberg
MightyCare Solutions DayPresentation ‘Update NIS-2: What can we expect after 17 October 2024?’ as part of the MightyCare Solutions Day with Mathias Handsche
IHK innovativ webinarIHK innovativ Webinar with Mathias Handsche ‘NIS2 - Make your company fit for new IT security standards’
BREKO AK Technik at nGENnOrganisation of the BREKO technology working group at nGENn in the Usingen earth station
iX artcile DNS"NIS2: Obligations for all DNS and TLD providers” Story by Ulrich Plate of the iX in September.
iX article supply chain"NIS2 puts suppliers and service providers under pressure” Story by Ulrich Plate of the iX in October.
IHK Wirtschaftsforumarticle "NIS2 Der Countdown läuft" by Ulrich Plate
View - Das Magazin für Video- und Sicherheitslösungenarticle "NIS2 Womit Errichter und Integratoren rechnen müssen" by Ulrich Plate
NIS2 - Das müssen Unternehmen wissenBIEG Podcast with Mathias Handsche on NIS2
Competence meeting of KG KRITIS ‘NIS2 - Now it's time’Competence meeting of KG KRITIS (eco – Verband der Internetwirtschaft e.V.)
Cybersecurity training programCybersecurity training program of the BREKO in Düsseldorf
Resilience recommendations in the context of municipal network infrastructuresUlrich Plate: Resilience recommendations in the context of municipal network infrastructures Municipalities and municipal utilities in the sights of KRITIS
Meeting of KG Kritiseco meets DLR - Meeting of KG Kritis (eco – Verband der Internetwirtschaft e.V.)
Providers on the IT security marketplaceProviders on the IT security marketplace
Services for comprehensive security
The introduction of new technologies, the adaptation of existing systems to changing standards and legal requirements pose enormous challenges for many companies. nGENn works independently of standards and has experience with BSI IT-Grundschutz, ISO/IEC 27001, CISIS and VDS10000.
We solve your problem with our comprehensive portfolio of consulting, development and support for all aspects of information systems.
Security concepts according to TKG §166
With a security concept from nGENn, you achieve legal certainty with respect to the Bundesnetzagentur and security in your own company
Thanks to our relevant experience, structured approach and a tested basic concept, companies can fulfil the legal requirements, avoid fines and reduce the risk of attacks.
External security representative
As your company's security representative, we provide the legally required contact person for the Bundesnetzagentur, help with the monitoring of security concepts and keep your back free with regard to supervisory and other authorities.
With us, you fulfil all requirements, do not miss any deadlines and remain fully compliant with the law.
Guidelines & concepts
In compliance with company specifications, we have been creating target group- and practice-orientated, state-of-the-art guidelines and concepts for you quickly and effectively for over 20 years.
Thanks to our standardised coordination process, we avoid time-consuming internal coordination rounds and at the same time keep an eye on the effects of the decisions made.
Process automation in the TK environment
Thanks to our very detailed knowledge of the telecommunications sector, we are the right partner for the automation of processes in your company.
Our focus here is not only on the implementation of clearly defined specifications, but also on end-to-end support for the customer in the digitalisation process.
Our motto: "From human to API"
Strategic consulting for companies and politics
Since 2001, we have been continuously building up a broad spectrum of knowledge acquired in private and public companies, which we are happy to share with you as consultants.
We help you to align your company strategically and in terms of security policy, always with an eye on current and future regulations and legal framework conditions.
We bring your company into line with the European Union's new e-evidence regulation. To enable you to respond to cross-border legal requests at any time, we advise you on the technical and organisational requirements, put you in contact with specialist legal advice and handle communication with law enforcement authorities throughout Europe.
Consultancy on information security certification
For certifications based on standards such as ISO 27001 or BSI IT-Grundschutz, you need perseverance, the will to organise - and competent support from nGENn.
We get your company ready for the certifiers' audits and organise test bases and documentation for you, provide support during the process and advise on the implementation of findings.
Crisis communication
If a cyberattack paralyses your business, you don't just need to get back up and running quickly: The supervisory authorities, your customers, suppliers and the public need to know what is happening.
Our team of media professionals and strategy consultants will navigate you through the crisis. We help you find the right words and the right tone.
Reliable contacts
From the initial consultation to the finalised security concept, we are at your side and ensure that you are optimally positioned in accordance with the legal requirements at a low effort.
Mathias Handsche
Managing Director
Juliane Böckmann
Assistant to the management
Ulrich Plate
Senior Information Security Consultant
Tobias Öhring
Dev Ops Engineer
Maythe Stavermann
Tobias Horstmann
Projects and Training
Christian Vlasak
Projects and Processes
Cord Holste
Projects and Processes
Andrea Baukrowitz
Concepts and Guidelines
Thomas Schäfer
Specialist for Windows
Contact us
We are here to help you
Contact us by post, in person or by e-mail!